The Magazine of The Leffell School

When met with the challenges of Spring 2020, we found creative and safe ways to keep our traditions alive.

Purim Celebrations

Students had many different opportunities to celebrate Purim virtually including a song session, a student/faculty megilah reading, storytelling, yoga, and interactive learning sessions connected to Megilat Esther. We also hosted a virtual Purim carnival where students who correctly guessed the number of beads in a jar won a betta fish.

Passover Observances

Second graders performed in a virtual Passover Play on Zoom where they dressed up as Israelites or Egyptians. Israeli musician Yonatan Razel made a surprise appearance at the end and sang his beautiful rendition of “Vehi She’amda.” We also hosted a schoolwide “LeSeder” filled with Passover songs and special appearances from students and faculty members like Eliyahu HaNavi (Dr. Kay). Kindergarten students sang the Ma Nishtana, our Middle School theater group produced a Hillel Sandwich commercial, and High School seniors led us in a Passover trivia game.

Lower School
Yom HaAtzmaut Festivities

Lower School students enjoyed a full day of virtual Yom HaAtzmaut celebrations including Israeli dancing, pita making, an athletic competition, and a Zimriyah (Israeli songfest). There was also a surprise virtual visit from Cotton the Camel. While we missed the smell of pita baking on the saj (cooking grill) of our Lower School campus, it was great to see so much blue and white on Zoom.


Families joined in the bread-baking craze that took over social media last spring by participating in our one-day “flash” Challahthon. With help from the PTO, families were invited to pick up yeast at convenient locations throughout the area and post photos on our social media channels of their challot-in-the-making. By the time Shabbat began that Friday night, 107 families had participated.

Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdalah

Our community came together every Friday to usher in Shabbat on Zoom. These Kabbalat Shabbat services were led in turns by Rabbi Pell, Dr. Kay, and members of the senior class, among others. At the conclusion of Shabbat on Saturday evenings, families were once again invited to join us on Zoom with their spices, grape juice, and candles to enjoy Havdalah as one kehilah.
